Listening to the first Throwing Muses album, the first Underworld album, A Brave Man Once Said by Fierce Ruling Diva, my Fall Festive 50 and best of 1984 playlists, a bunch of 12″ singles I picked up in Oxfam and the Cherry Red Industrial CD box set compilation I got for Christmas.
Vinyl listening group was last week. The theme was weather and I played Rhythm of the Rain, I wish it would rain by Wreckless Eric and Hazy Shade of Winter.
Reading Jamie Delano/early Garth Ennis Hellblazers, Tekken Kinkreet, Cerebus #1, Zavej Zizek for Beginners and the Influence by Ramsey Campbell.
Watching Civil War, the Matrix and The Wandering Earth. I first watched the Matrix the night Manchester United won the European Cup — fact! I still think the physics of farming humans is too silly. Also why care what goes on in the virtual world? Civil War I think is a reality check for where we might well be in a few years time. That’s certainly how it looks from the outside (of the USA). The Wandering Earth, like the Three Body Problem, gave me some cause for optimism. We often hear the argument made against decarbonisation that India and China and the developing nations aren’t interested so what difference does anything we do matter. I think Wandering Earth (and also Three Body Problem) show that communist China is able to think long term in a way that we in the west can’t because of our devotion to short term gain — capitalism and democracy means we’re stuck stuck stuck.
Disclaimer: this post is a work in progress and will likely go through at least one more rewrite, but I like to publish as I go for the sake of immediacy 😉